domingo, 29 de julio de 2018



Cualquiera de las facultades, como la vista, el oído, el olfato, el gusto o el tacto, mediante las cuales los seres humanos y los animales perciben la estimulación proveniente del exterior o del interior del cuerpo:
a) Mi sentido del olfato me dice que la cena está lista.
b) Su operación o función; Sensación
c) Un sentimiento o percepción producida a través de los órganos del tacto, del gusto, etc., o que resulta de una condición particular de alguna parte del cuerpo: tener una sensación de frío.
d) Una facultad o función de la mente análoga a la sensación: el sentido moral.
e) Cualquier capacidad especial de percepción, estimación, apreciación, etc .: sentido del humor.
·         Es físico o emocional
·         Si tus emociones se desvían fácilmente, eres sensible.
·         Si tu sentido del tacto es muy bueno, eres sensible.
Es mental Si haces cosas que tienen sentido, eres sensato.
·      Era sensato cuando compraba ropa. No compré la ropa de diseñador porque era demasiado cara.

     1.    But give the Kingdom credit for its sense of mercy: The lashes will be administered only 50 at a time.
     2.    It may be fun and it may get them paid, until oversaturation ruins our sense for irony and destroys the market for it.
     3.    So in that sense we have gotten close to the families that have lost loved ones, be it from one side or the other.
     4.    This is acting in every sense of the word—bringing an unevolved animal to life and making it utterly believable.
     1.    The back of your hand is one of the most sensitive parts of your body.
     2.    The nurse was sensitive to her patient's needs.
     3.    He walked off in a huff. He can be so sensitive sometimes.
     4.    The CEO hid the sensitive documents under his coat.  
    1.    He was a sensible young man, choosing to stay indoors and study rather than go out with his friends.
     2.    She wore a plain cotton dress which showed her sensible in fashion.
    3.    I want to buy that dress.' 'Be sensible, dear. You haven't got that much money.
1.      Sticking to a ______ diet plan ensures that the weight will stay off.
2.      Children on drugs often leave clues, and _______ parents will investigate when their suspicions are aroused.
3.      "The children I saw in Yugoslavia appeared _______ and level-headed without the buoyancy of childhood. Here were children I could understand."
4.      An extremely ________ person can have a severe reaction to the small amount of milk protein in a candy bar.
5.      _________ medical equipment requires an uninterrupted supply of power.
6.      A reporter at the Washington Post gained access to several highly _______ CIA documents.
7.      "The _______ Shaw had plenty of unwelcome advice for his ____ pupil."
8.      The device was so _____ that a sneeze could shut it down.
9.      The most _____ way to resolve a family problem is by open discussion.
10.   The government considered the information too _____ to share with other countries, even though it had been lying around for months in computers, briefcases, and flash drives.
                                  Resultado de imagen para sense verbs               
                                  Resultado de imagen para Sensitive                                                    
                        Resultado de imagen para sensato

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SENSE, SENSITIVE AND SENSIBLE               FUNCIÓN Sense Cualquiera de las facultades, como la vista, el oíd...